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1048 fatwas

  • She thinks her husband died as a martyr and she wants to be with him

    My fiancée and my husband has died as a martyr on 14 Feb. 2005, almost from 3 months and my heart is really aching me for loosing him. I would like to know if we will be gathered again at heaven as a wife and husband, it is what I'm asking God for. Will I meet him and marry him again at heaven? Is he able to hear me when I talk with him?.. More

  • Family dispute over a relative's marriage

    My family name are going through a really a bad phase and a hard trial. My brother stays in Puna for his studies with my aunt, my aunts niece who is 21 year old is not of a good character stays in the same colony of my aunt so my aunt sometimes meets her. One day we came to know from my aunt that my brother is seeing this girl so my mother confronted.. More

  • Spending on extravagant brother

    I have a brother and he is getting married now and we are all helping him because all his money that he took from my parents after their death he spent it all. The problem is that he is showy and always wants expensive things he is also not thankful he takes everything as if it is a must to help him. He is now finishing his apartment and he got.. More

  • Wants to relate to her mother who never cared for her

    When I was two years old, my father died. Thereafter, my mother got married to my stepfather and left me with my grandmother and aunt. She refused to look after me. Since then, I was raised and looked after by my grandmother and aunt. And I look up to them as my parents, and I love them very much. Throughout the years, my mother never showed.. More

  • Resents her elderly grandfather's marriage

    I'm very frustrated with the recent news that my elderly grandfather, who is in his late seventies, remarried for the 5th time (this time to a very young girl who is not much older than I am). All his previous marriages ended in divorce and death. He didn't inform any family members of this marriage and had a secret Nikaah with few witnesses... More

  • Wants to forget his wife's past but cannot

    I've married a woman who converted to Islam when we first met. But she had boyfriends in the past and a daughter. Now I get these feelings that I don't have respect for her and its ruining my life. Knowing she is a good person, obedient very respectful, and really a good wife. I know Allaah would forgive any person no matter what he did in the past.. More

  • She and her father are not speaking

    My father and I are not speaking because my husband does not get along with him would I be punished. .. More

  • Parents make a request when the prayer is called

    Please what should one do at the time when the Iqaamah for Salaat is being said and one's parent who is also Muslim asks one to do something for him or her? .. More

  • Her husband's brother is causing major marital problems

    My husband's brother came to the USA in 2002 to go to school. He lives with us where we provide all things for him. Car, car insurance, cell phone, food, home, clothing, pay his tuition for school, a computer, etc. When he first came he was well mannered but he recently started dating a Christian Lebanese girl. Since then he has been bringing.. More

  • Parents want him to buy expensive property to live near them

    My father is a millionaire. I have 3 children, eldest 12 years old female. We are planning to build a house. But my parents wants us to buy the property in the same area of my parents. The problem is the cost of land which is very very huge that only a multimillionaire can buy this. This is disturbing me and my wife as this money could be used.. More

  • She upset her imprisoned husband

    I am a Muslim wife of prisoned husband who is Muslim. I am a professional hairstylist. My niece asked of me to do her male friend hair. I told my husband what I did. I thought it was ok. I am faithful to my Lord. I am faithful to my husband. My husband now is very upset with me. He ask me why did I do this young man hair. I told me at the time.. More

  • Apprehension about the father's conduct in the family

    I come from a family that is attached to Islam and follow Islam very closely; my parents are both very well learned in Islam. My parents have been married for 25 years, they are both educated in religion and know it real well. The biggest problem that we face is that my dad is a very doubtful kind of a man, and he has recently been targeting.. More

  • Their mother does not want them to contact half siblings by their father's previous marriage

    My dad was married before my mom, and he has 2 sons and a daughter, and they are old now, like in their mind 20's, and they want to talk to me and my brothers and sisters, and my dad tells us to call them, but my mom gets mad at us, and she starts cursing and screaming and yelling at us, she always says bad stuff about them, she hates them, and I love.. More

  • Complains that her husband grossly disrespects her

    My husband and I are from different countries but we are both born and practising Muslims. I speak conversational Arabic, which I picked up and learnt in an Arab country, which is also the place I met my husband. The problem is that due to different cultures and difference in language (I mean Arabic although he speaks English well), I often misunderstan.. More

  • Her disobedient father will not allow her to marry any Muslim man

    From last year I started getting more into Islam A-lhamdulillaah, and joined an Islamic forum where unfortunately I got quite attached to a religious brother. He has asked to marry me and I have told him that my parents will not allow us to be married because my father is a very strong nationalistic Kurd and would not let me marry a non-Kurd.. More