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1048 fatwas

  • His Hindu mother performed some Hindu rituals in his new house

    If a revert has purchased a new house, his parents are still Hindu. They visit the house for the first time. The mother performs some religious Hindu ritual, the son (revert) knows the reason she is visiting the house, but says nothing. He knows he will not take part in it. He simply does not wish to upset his mother and since he will not.. More

  • Obey your husband, you enslave him

    We know that wives are not slaves to the husbands but are it necessary the wives must take permission from husband whenever they go out alone or with a guardian. Can a husband stop wife going out with reason or without reason if he wants to? .. More

  • How to overcome wife's excessive jealousy

    My friend is a Muslimah who has been married for the past 2 years. She says her husband treats her well and is a religious man whom many think highly of. However she is overly jealous and keeps asking him things that can lead to arguments - such as (promise me you have never been with another woman) he says no I have not, but she is suspicious.. More

  • Her father is abusive to her mother

    I wanted to ask you that my father fight all the time with my mom he hits her and us children also he has been doing this for all the time he has been married her its been 25 years since he married her he doesn't follow the Islam properly but want everything from my mom that Islam says to do for a man a husband but doesn't care abut her rights.. More

  • Feels lonely as her husband spends the last ten nights of Ramadan in the mosque

    I hope you can clarify something for me. During Ramadhaan and especially in the last 10 days, my husband insists on breaking his fast and spending nights at the mosque. Since I am alone with a 7 month old child, I do not feel comfortable being left alone. Although I know that what he is doing is a good deed and I am proud of him, I still think its.. More

  • Her father wants to marry her off to a man she does not want

    i have a problem with my father even though he done so many things to raise me and brothers and sister well it seems to be that there is a problem of miscomunication between us he is alwayes angry at somthing he doesnt pay attention to his health and dosnt take anyones advice he treats me as if was no body ,a few days ago i cam to know that.. More

  • Her husband lied to her, what to do?

    Jazak Allaah Khair for your website, I rely on it! Al-Hamdulillah, I am an American convert to Islam. Lately I have been having problems in my marriage. My husband has been spending a lot of time with 2 friends he has had since school. One of them is in Jamaat Tableegh. Anyway, a few weeks ago my husband and these friends had lunch. And later.. More

  • Her father wants to send her to a college she hates

    I am a 17-year old American-Egyptian female high school student applying for college my dad wants to send me to a college I hate and I know is not appropriate to my need just so I could continue to live at home. However there are colleges farther away that offer what I need but that would require me to live there. My parents say this is a sin... More

  • Marital life is not maintained only for love

    I have been married for almost 3 years to my wife and it was an arrange marriage. No matter I did I have not been able to love her and give her my love. There is no attraction for me towards her and we have not had sex for over a year now and even at the beginning of our marriage we never enjoyed sex. I am going to lose my mind and as result of.. More

  • Living morally away from religion

    How do I answer my non-Muslim friend who claims that her dad has raised her to be stubborn and independent, but also to live with honor, respect and compassion for other people and she doesn't believe that you have to be religious to live your life in a moral way? .. More

  • She doesn't love or respect her husband

    We have received your Fatwa inquiry which we would attend to as soon as possible. Your question was "Salaam Alaykum". Is it being a hypocrite if deep down one has no love or respect for a husband who is lives a un-Islamic way of life, does not respect my Islamic ways, does not have any principles or ethics in life, has a very temperamental.. More

  • Keeping Kinship With A Hypocrite Brother

    We know that if my brother is Kuffar than I don't have to keep kinship with him. But what about if he is Munaafiq (hypocrisy)? .. More

  • Wants to join his family in India but his parents want him to stay abroad

    I am an Indian working in a company in Russia. Though my pay package is good and I even have family status, what I am worried is that next year my children's school would start and I want them to be educated in India. The atmosphere in Russia is not conducive to staying alone. If I leave the job and go looking for the same in India, the main.. More

  • Regrets marrying a new Muslim woman

    I met a lady who is new to Islam through the Internet. After few months of discussions over the net, I visited her mosque in a different town other than mine. We eventually got married. I stayed with her for few days and we have slept together. I then left her town and she is supposed to join me after being done with her school. I felt that I made.. More

  • Her husband's parents want him to marry to have children

    I am married childless woman from past 8-years. My in-laws are forcing my husband to get married. But he is denying. He wants to wait. Can the parents force to get married for the 2nd time. Just to have a child. They don't have any problem with me. But my husband is not ready. Is he doing any sin by not listening to them?.. More