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906 fatwas

  • Pursuing career as actuary

    Can I pursue a career as an actuary? The degree is called actuarial science and involves a high amount of mathematical analysis, which predicts, as best as may be possible, future risks in financial investments. Some of the jobs available with this degree are in the insurance and banking sector as well as numerous other industry sectors such as pension,.. More

  • Lawfulness of income of non-Muslim mother

    I live with my father and my non-Muslim mother, who works outside the house in a mixed envinronment, though I think the job itself is permissible (visa application); is this source of income halal? And is it permissible for me to let my mother spend on me from her wealth, knowing that my father also has a job that pays well? And if not, then what about.. More

  • Getting rid of insurance company shares

    Assalaamu alaykum. When I first came to the States, I did not know about insurance that it was haram. In any case, I quit it, but while I had it, the company became public and gave me some shares, which I still have. Can I sell them and use the money to make Hajj with it? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Auditing usurious bank accounts in company records

    What is the ruling on working in auditing offices, knowing that the job of the auditor is to check the company's accounts and budgets, which may contain records of bank accounts or interest, but that he is not the one who wrote these accounts or dealt with them at all; rather, he is only reviewing or checking them? All of that is for the purpose of.. More

  • Preparing shipping documents for alcohol shipment

    Assalaamu alaykum. I work in a Clearance company. They also clear Alcohol; I would like to know whether preparing the documentation for such shipments is haram. Please give me an answer that is supported with the Quran and hadiths. .. More

  • Downloading pirated software for others

    Assalaamu alaykum. I know that using pirated software is haram, but I want to ask about the following; if I, for example, install a pirated Microsoft OS on somebody's computer and take money for that, is that money halal for me? And will I collect sins every time he uses the Microsoft OS because it was pirated and I was the reason that he is using it?.. More

  • Designing logo for indecent outfits

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am working in a marketing agency as a graphic designer. I do kiosks and stands for marketing and design uniforms for those who will do marketing with people. A few days ago, they asked me to do a picture for a beach uniform for girls wearing hot shorts. They wanted me to "just put the logo on the uniform." At first I refused, but.. More

  • Downloading books for free from the internet

    Many books and articles are now available for "Free" download on many websites. Does this mean that the author has agreed for their books to be downloaded and be used by students or study groups for discussion? And if these discussion sessions are recorded on audio; is that also allowed? My enquiry stems from the original ethos of Islam, which is to.. More

  • Promoting business of lawyers who may commit violations of Sharee'ah

    Assalaamu alaykum. I need some advise. My job is to install a system to increase sales for my clients websites. All my clients are personal injury attorneys in Western countries. Is my income haram given that some of their actions go against Islam? For example, the swear by something other than Allaah, and they help the victim to get maximum compensation.. More

  • Damaging people's property accidentally

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. When I went to Makkah for my last visit, I had to buy a pair of shoes; they had put pins on the bottom of the shoes that were on display, at the shop, while I was checking out the shoes, I noticed that the pin on one shoe went inside, and I tried pulling it but it did not come out, and I feel.. More

  • Using pirated software with intention of paying for it later

    Hello! First of all, thank you for efforts to educate the community about Islam and its laws. My question is: I am currently in a very difficult financial situation and do not have any money to buy educational materials. I am intent on starting a business soon, Allaah willing, and I want to educate myself about business, so I use pirated content for.. More

  • Taking care of non-Muslim children in Muslim day care home

    Is it permissible for a Muslim day care home to take care of non-Muslim children? .. More

  • Working as treasury manager or commodity risk manager

    Assalaamu alaykum. Allaah willing, I am considering to choose a halal career these days based on my finance background. I have two options to choose from: 1. Treasury Manager: If the main business of the company is in the halal industry, but the job role as a treasury manager involves managing credit, liquidity and FX risk using derivatives instruments.. More

  • Using credit card to pay for Hajj and 'Umrah

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is: can one use a credit card to pay for Hajj and 'Umrah. Please reply quickly. .. More

  • Conditions for permissibility of buying shares

    I would like to ask about dealing in shares in the case that a person who used to be a banker started a marketing company and now wants to sell his shares. Sixty percent of the shares are to be sold out to people, and profit is distributed per share on a daily basis, so my question is the following: many people purchased shares, and I also purchased.. More