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720 fatwas

  • Being Fare When Gifting Children

    Assalamalekum. My father in law who is alive has three children - two daughters, one of whom is married to me and a son. All are married. My mother in law is also alive. My father in law had a property ( other than the one in which they are living) which was purchased by his own hard earned money. This property was sold off about 6 years ago in rupees.. More

  • The Wisdom Behind Sacrifice of Eid Al-Adh-ha and Aqeeqah

    السلاك عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاتهA Christian is asking how does sacrificing an animal at Eid-Adha get one closer to Allah?He is also asking for the reason for aqeeqah, why is it done? Is it similar to the Jewish Passover?Please reply very soon .. More

  • Gifting Children Equally

    Assalamu alaikum warahmatullaahi wabarakaatuhu,We live in 200 sq ft house,my brothers want us to get married so that they can marry & take their wives to this home,we are 2 sisters 3 brothers & parents living in this house.The can afford a rental house but the says this is my fathers home & I will stay here with my wife as house is not that.. More

  • Naming A Baby Girl Asmaa’

    Assalamalaikom. I am planning to name by baby girl Asma. I would like to know the actual meaning of the name Asma as I am getting different meanings of different websites. .. More

  • Being Named Leeza

    Assalam-o-allaikum My Grand Daughters Name is Leeza is it correct name in Islam. Pls help me. Shukriya .. More

  • Property Requested to be Effective after Death

    Assalaamu 'alaykumMy parents have registered their property in my sisters' and my name and made us the owners of their property according to a ratio which has been agreed upon by my sisters and me. But our parents want us to consume our respective shares only after they die. My sisters have willingly agreed to that. But I feel kind of reluctant to wait.. More

  • Woman giving gifts to male children

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykhs,if there are children together, and I want to give them candy or gifts etc., but there are some male childrenamong them who might have reached the age where they are non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable kin) to me, though I am not sure if that is the case or not, can I give all of them that.. More

  • Letting children watch 'Game of Thrones'

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am a parent to three young kids, two boys and a girl, aged 17, 14 and 12, God bless them. Like other children in our neighborhood, I let them watch TV for limited times during the afternoon and evening hours. Lately, a show called “Game of Thrones” started in Malaysia, and after watching some episodes with my children, I was.. More

  • Husband forcing wife to raise his illegitimate child

    Assalaamu alaykum. I got married to a Muslim man two years ago. He got two illegimate kids before he met me, the smaller one is three years old, and social services took the baby away from her mother as she had drug problems, so my husband fought for the baby's full custody. In the begining of our relationship, he told me that he would send the girl.. More

  • Excessive fear for safety of one's children

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have been sending questions, which all went unanswered, and I did not received a confirmation email. I only now realised that I put the wrong email address. Let me start again with a question. I feel that I am currently entangled in the traps from the devil. Ever since I gave birth for the first time, and until now, I live in constant.. More

  • Four-year-old son still sleeping with his mother

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My son is now four years old and sleeps cuddling me only, as he finds comfort there only. My husband stays in Dubai due to his job. My question is that my boy touches my breasts in some way or another as his play while he is lying down to sleep. I have told him strictly many times not to do this and.. More

  • Children are not accountable for their actions

    Hello Shaykh. I want to ask a question, a really heart-breaking question; I am still hurt till this moment. We found a cat that was very small, and I took it in like family. We loved it with our whole heart. I and my wife loved it like our own daughter. We live on the fourth floor in a building, and the cat went out to the balcony while my wife was.. More

  • Distributing sweets upon birth of new baby

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Can we distribute sweets among our neighbours and relatives for the newborn baby, not taking it as part of the Shariah, but in order to show happiness. I am asking as everyone ask for sweets, so is it allowed? .. More

  • Disagreeing with in-laws about aspects of child upbringing

    Assalaamu alaykum. My in-laws disagree with the freedom that I give my 13-year-old stepson. He is a good boy, sensible, and intelligent. He has recently developed an interest in fitness and attends youth training sessions at a local gym with likeminded friends. How can I reassure them that he needs space to grow outside of the family and experience.. More

  • The name Zanirah is permissible in Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is the name Zanirah a permissible name in Islam? .. More