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721 fatwas

  • Response to Children Asking Embarrassing Questions

    Salam brother, Recently, when I was out of city because of business, our daughter (14 years old) asked about what sex was? And my wife told her that after marriage, when male and female meet and their private parts interact with each other, both of the participants gain pleasure. After few days when I am back, she asked about what a male private part.. More

  • Rulings Pertaining to Women During Postpartum Periods

    As Salam Alaikkum wohrehmathulai wobarkatahoo Please advise on a woman who delivered Is there any restriction on her from stepping out of home and travelling ...please advise as per Hadith and what would sahaba did after the delivery Alhumdulila we have done the aqeeqa. Jazak Allah khair .. More

  • A Child Born in Less Than Six Months Pregnancy Rarely Lives

    Assalaamu alaikum wa rakmatullahi wa barakatuh. I heard that it is scholarly consensus that the minimum age of viability is 6 months. How can this be the case when in some cases, children are born prematurely before 6 months have passed? In some very rare cases, babies have been born after 23 weeks of pregnancy. Thank you. Jazakhallah Khaeir. .. More

  • Remarried but Has a 12-Month-old Baby and Ex-husband Wants Him

    My son married a woman who has a baby 12 months old. Ex husband now wants the baby as she is remarried under shariah law he said the baby should go to him at 2 years old as this is the weaning period. Question is ex husband lives 6-7 hours away in another state and this will make it very difficult for her to see the baby also the baby is very attached.. More

  • Naming the Newborn Adyan

    Assalamualaikum,Alhamdulillah i am blessed with baby boy recently, i have query related to name of boy.1. Is name "Adyan" have any negative meaning?I understand that meanings of name Adyan is, pious, religious. Quran mentioned about people of "Aad", who were punished by allah. Is there any relation of the name Adyan with people of aad. .. More

  • Had a Child from Fornication and Married Another Man Later

    A divorced muslim women has comitted fornication in Hungary after few years of divorce. She has a baby daugther from the same. After knowing the same, a muslim man has married to her to bring back her and the innocent baby daughter to Islamic living with Taqwa and Taharath. The Nikah was done with an unknow Imam (witness 1) and the friend of Man (Witness.. More

  • Changing the Child's Father's Name After Divorce

    Can a child's Father's name be charged if a woman is married again? .. More

  • Father Might Have Had a Child Out of an Affair

    Assalaamu alaykum wa ragmatullaahi wa barakaatuhIf my father had affairs years ago and his family knew about it, was it their duty to tell my mother or was it correct for them to keep it a secret?If his family knew he had a child out of this affair and his family knew about the child and never told us, was that wrong and sinful of his family not to.. More

  • Gave birth less than six months after marriage

    Assalamu AlaikumDear Shiekh,My sister was having a pre-marital affair and was going out with the boy. She would listen to anyone and we didn’t have control over her going out. The guy according our finding was very bad in all ways. As sister was extremely stubborn we gave her in marriage to same guy mid June 2018 to avoid any haram happening before.. More

  • The name Ibrahim Chosen by Mother In-Law For Their Son

    HelloI have been married for 4 years. We couldnt have children and got into fertility programme at the hospital for 2,5 years. Hormones, stress, tears, fights. It has almost torn us apart. We didnt lose hope and i got pregtant. My mother in law was at umrah 2 years ago, and said she prayed that if her son gets a son he shall be named Ibrahim. Neither.. More

  • Naming a Baby Girl as Yusra Is Permissible

    Assalamualaikum, can we name a baby girl as Yusra? This is asked because of the Hadith where Prophet saw prohibited to give names like Yassaar, etc. Kindly clarify. .. More

  • Her Husband Does Not Care about Her and Their Toddler

    Assalaamu alaykum. My husband and I argue regularly due to the reasons such as he doesn’t do anything in the house besides sitting on his phone and watching football or boxing. We have a toddler now and ever since he was born I didn’t receive any help from him at all, therefore my family had to step as they saw with their own eyes how neglectful.. More

  • Naming a Baby Girl ‘Arshiyyah

    I want to give name for my daughter "Arshiya", Question: is there any element of Shrik by giving this Name to a child? .. More

  • Haalah as a Baby-Girl’s Name

    As-salāmu ʿalaykum.Im Tharik, Sri Lankan, Me & My Wife Expecting a baby girl, So we are seeking for her good name. i am Decided to keep her name as Halah. So Please describe me about the name and or suggestion with good name for my baby girl. .. More

  • DNA Results Cannot Deny One’s Lineage

    Salam alaykum warahmatullah wa barakatuh.I converted to islam 6 years ago, Alhamdulillah. I'm born and raised in scandinavia, and noe raising ny own childeren here. Not long ago I took an anonymus DNA test of myself and my father and sent it to a reliable company to check fatherhood. It came back negative, meaning he is not my biological father. I feel.. More