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905 fatwas

  • Employment promoting stem cell products

    Assalamualaikum My name is Sarah n i work in a call centre. Ive just joined a new procees which promotes lifecell products. lifecelll is an international bank which stores stem cell from naval cords of new born babies. these cells are then used to treat lethal diseases like cancer, blood cancer, parkinson s disease which were untill now considered to.. More

  • Repairing vehicles whose plates carry the sign of the cross

    As-Salamu Alaikum brother, Dear Shaykh, I am currently in my 20s, and I recently paid for a program that deals with trucks and construction equipment as a technician, or repair man. My problem is, I have been very confused and worried about a particular issue concerning this work, and I would like some advice please. In Ontario, the license plates have.. More

  • 'Jail-breaking' iPhone or Windows system

    Is jailbreaking an iphone or jailbreaking Windows permissible?.. More

  • Earning money from Paid-To-Click (PTC) advertisements

    Esselamu aleikum, Recently I send question here and I get this answer : But that answer is about HYIP programs/sites which offer money only for investing money, sometimes they offer paid to click or surf ads but that is just to cover the real truth and they are haram. My question is about PTC(Paid To Click).. More

  • Violating licensing conditions of software programs

    Assalamu alaikum. Is the money obtained from developing/making software using haram tools(e.g. pirated software, illegal internet connection, illegal electricity connection, computer bought using ill gotten money, and so on) haram? If a vendor of a software I bought stated in the license that I can't make more than one copy of the software for backup.. More

  • Working in a field that involves committing prohibitions except in case of necessity

    Shaykh I'm from Kashmir. As you know it's a disputed land having very few opportunities of jobs with which a person can run a family because here we don't have industries etc. Everything is messed up here. We have jobs here but they provide peanuts which is not sufficient to suffice your cellphone bill let alone run a family. Our youth move on to gulf.. More

  • Ruling on online Forex margin trading

    Assalaamu 'alaykum Is online forex margin trading halal or haram? My question might be cleared by the following example: I trade currency via an online trading platform. If I want to buy 100,000 USD (1 lot), I only need 1,000 dollars as margin to make the trade. It is called 'leverage'. I will get profits or losses regarding to my transaction; if I.. More

  • Ruling on working as a paramedic in non-Muslim countries and practicing freestyle wrestling

    Are males allowed to be a paramedic in Canada? Is it allowed for us to join professional wrestling like the WWE if we don't show our awrah and not wear tight clothing .. More

  • Driving a taxi marked with advertisements

    my question is,i am cab driver i drive a lease cab from company,and the owner decided to install to the can that i am driving som kind of advertising at the upper side of the can i continue working on that cab? .. More

  • Working in a trucking company that carries lawful and unlawful goods

    Dear brother As-Salaamu 'Alaykum, I have a question in hopes that you can help me out by answering it and clearing up the matter for me. I am a practicing Muslim and I work as a dispatcher for a trucking company. My job is to find truck-loads for our company truck drivers. I use the phone to call different companies and book from them loads for the.. More

  • A Muslim architect setting designs for large houses

    Asalmu alaikum.Can an architect draw plans for big houses and for banks which deals with interest.The reason why i am asking about big houses is that ALLAH's rasool(pbuh) has disliked of building big houses.Can a civil engineer build such things.Please help me regarding this.May ALLAH the Almighty reward you .. More

  • Conditions for dealing in stock market

    Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu Recently, i have taken interest investing in the stock market. My activities range from long term investments, to short term day-trading (buy/sell same day) and my decisions are purely based on technical analysis using graphs to calculate share price movement and an in depth research into the company business.. More

  • Ruling on optional unemployment insurance

    Asalam alaikum, Jazakumallah kher for all your efforts. I have a question regarding income insurance. I live and work in Sweden where one is insured incase of of unemplyment or injury/sickness that does not allow you to work. One will be paid maximum 1600 dollars/ month, which is not much, house rent is about 1000 dollars. There is also an option where.. More

  • An employee is responsible for any loss he deliberately causes his employer

    my question is that i work in a store and sometimes and a few times i have done things which may be seen as dishonest i.e once a customer item was not scanning so i put it in his bag for free as the customer was getting frustrated because the amount of time it was taking, also on one occasion i was asked to count newspapers that are leftover at the.. More

  • Using black money in real estate transactions

    It is a norm in our city that builders/re sellers are asking to pay 15-20% white money and remaining 80-85% in black money to purchase a property. The reason is the municipality fixes rates of the area (which is the 15-20% white money) but due to high demand in area, builders/resellers sell the property at a very high profit margin (which they demand.. More