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905 fatwas

  • Working two government jobs at once

    Aselamualeykum Wr wb, Jezakelahukheyren for your work. My today's question is , From Islamic point of view how it is considered if a person works in two government offices? Am teaching in a university. Some of my friends work in another offices without the knowledge of the university(the employer) i.e they are taking more than one salaries per single.. More

  • Mortgage insurance when buying a house

    I bought a house via a mortgage in UK and was advised to apply for mortgage cover plan (life cover) in which I have to pay a monthly fixed payment for the duration of the mortgage. This will guarantee paying the rest of the mortgage if when I die so that my dependent children and wife won't lose the house. I am not sure if this is acceptable in Islam.. More

  • If he gives unlawful gains to the poor, he will be left with nothing

    As-salam alaykum, I'm a Muslim boy from London in the past year or two I was part of a few different crimes such as muggings etc. Recently Alhumdillh I have started to repent and I'm following the deen. I have X amounts of money that was from crimes. I also have y amounts of money that girls have given me because they had liked me but I reckon the money.. More

  • Closing credit card account will reduce 'credit score'

    Assalamu Alaikum: I have been using a credit card for the past year, I have always paid it in full without interest. I did not know that entering the contract in itself is not permissible since it has Riba clauses but after researching it I came to realize that even signing the contract is forbidden. I feel very bad about this and would like to repent.. More

  • Fixing a percentage on the credit card

    An Islamicbank offering credit card which is free if you pay 100% every month. If you pay 20% per month they charge 1% profit on it and if you withdraw cash they charge 3% fees. My question is is this 1% or 3% they charge is interest or it will be consider as there fees. Please tell me if its right or wrong. .. More

  • Working in a freight company that may involve handling forbidden items

    Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullah Dear Sheikh A friend of mine works at Amazon in Germany. He puts packets on the band-conveyer. Some of these packets contain pornographical videos or alcohol. Is it halal to work there? In many cases he does not know the content of the packets. Most of the packets do not content anything haram. Is it halal to work there.. More

  • Using unlawful earnings to pay for marriage expenses

    salam my question is that me and my wife work in supermarket and sometimes we have to scan pork or wine, now we are saving up money using our salaries to try and get my brother married. will his marraige be valid if we fund it knowing that our earning has some haram in it .. More

  • Working in a company that sells audio-visual systems

    Is it allowed to work in a company who deal in Audio Visual system, Home Theater and other Security like CCTV and Road Blocker, Barrier etc. .. More

  • Woman badly needs job that involves serving pork

    I am 19 years old girl working in Dunkin donuts in New York where I have to make haram sandwich (bacon, ham) and customers are male,female both. I had just started college but dropped out after one month because it's not possible for me to carry study as I have to work full time. Because, 1. My family has big amount debt from my country from where we.. More

  • Looking after Hindu pilgrims is cooperation in sin

    assalamu alaikum we have been deputed for yatra duties where a cave exists hindus believe that cave belonged to their God .WE WERE LOOKING AFTER THE HEALTH PROBLEMS OF YATRIES WE ARE SUPPOsed to get some money extra to our own it halal to get this money? .. More

  • His work is to run games played for prizes at an amusement park

    As-salamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh I am working at Heide Park Resort, which is an amusement park. I am working at the games, where you can win prices. There are games like football, basketball, can knockdown, darts and some games of skill. I explain the people in DETAIL how to play the game and how to win. I am also SHOWING them in detail,.. More

  • Selling clothes to women who do not wear Hijab

    As-salamu 3laikum, I am living in my own country which is non-Muslim, with my non-Muslim family and I have to pay some debts and pay for my studies, so I have to work. I am finding it difficult to find halal work. I would like to know whether it is permissible to work in a ladies' clothes shop, even if most of the customers are non-Muslims and they.. More

  • His mother takes two pensions against state rules

    My Parents, Both Father and Mother were Govt Employed My Father died after retirement. Now my mother is taking his Pension and also she is getting her pension. According to Karnataka state Govt. she can,t take both pension, in islam she can take pension of both. .. More

  • Restrictions on using purchased software programs

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmathullahi wa barakathahu Some software companies would not allow customers to resell it. example if i bought one software ,i have a right to use it or give somebody else. But the software company resist this and not allowing to give my own software to anybody. please give me a fatwa... assalamu alaikum .. More

  • His work sometimes includes preparing Riba-related documents

    Assalamu Alaikum, I am 28 years old, working as an Accountant in a “Tire” Trading Company. Even though maximum of my job involving with halal based transaction the following of my rolls are making me doubt, whether they are complied with the Sharia of Islam. They are • Preparing L/C application to open Letter of Credit ( Islamic Bank & Riba.. More