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905 fatwas

  • Working in a Catholic charity

    salaam, I was wondering is it okay if a muslim works for a catholic charities home shelter, i cant seem to find a job and i need some means of income! please let me know i start work today?! but if it wrong i shall leave it for the sake of allah! thank you .. More

  • When it is permissible to evade taxes

    Assalamualaikum, Please answer as soon as possible as closing date is near. We are to pay tax, but if we show Rent Receipt we get some tax rebates. I donot own a house, I live in my fathers house. I give 80% of salary to him. Now to get the tax rebate, I made a LEGAL document which shows I am paying him rent and he gave me VALID receipts also with his.. More

  • Ruling on lying to reduce tax

    What would be the ruling if a client asks me to reduce the value of the goods in an invoice so as to lessen the taxes imposed on him since it is estimated according to the price mentioned in the invoice? Meaning that the price stated in the invoice is less than the real one. Is this considered a form of cheating? .. More

  • Paying taxes and customs from usurious interests

    I want to ask you about the many taxes, insurance money and customs which Allaah The Almighty Did not Prescribe. Is it permissible to pay them from the usurious money earned from bank interests in order to be able to perform the obligation of Zakaah that costs me a lot of money? .. More

  • One's disposal of his wealth is permissible in some fields and impermissible in others

    What is the Sharee‘ah ruling on the Arabic saying that means: "Everybody has the complete freedom to dispose of his wealth"? .. More

  • Preparing Riba documents entails sharing its sin

    Assalamu Aleikum MY JOB DESCRIPTION Our business is manufacturing bed linen items like Duvets, bed sheets like sleepy products. Am working as an Accountant in that Company. [Our Business is HALAL] 1. We are bought loan from haram bank using that fund am fill application send T/T for import shipment but am not signature anywhere. 2. Am preparing bank.. More

  • Her husband tampers with the accounts of the company he works for

    my husband work in compny.manager (also partner)ask my husband that his partner dont give him share so he asked my husband when he make statement(weekly)he right expense for company.but that money take the manager.and some time he give some money my husband. now my question is NO this money is halal for my husband.NO2;if it is haram then what shall.. More

  • Her job involves violations of Sharee'ah

    Although you have questions answering this topic I feel unsure whether my situation would be different. I am a female optometrist who is currently not working. Mashallah I have savings and with my siblings provide for my parents. The issue I have is I am considering getting back into work but I have realised my job requires me to be alone with men in.. More

  • He invested money he had earned unlawfully

    I used to run a website, and ads on the site were the source of income from the site. I used to disguise the ads in the contents of my site so people would click on the ads thinking they were contents of the site. The method was strictly prohibited by the ads provider company. I made a handsome amount out of this technique. We used to pay money to get.. More

  • Ruling on making purchases with a debit card

    slame .i would like to know about direct debit for car and all sort .. More

  • Ruling on making audio copies of Islamic books

    Respected shaykhs, Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. I am a member of Islamic Audiobooks Forum (, a website whose members try to record authentic Islamic books for spreading knowledge. This is like what the Saudi Ministry of Education is doing in cooperation with Recently, someone said to.. More

  • Apparent lawfulness of a company sufficient to permit investing in it

    AsSalam o Alakum Sir I asked a Q some days back, regarding Investment (Q.No.2385490). My Q was clubbed with another Q and replied (Fatwa No.81504), & my point was missed. My Question was: Many businesses are “APARENTLY” HALAL such as: -Agriculture manufacturing industry, -Electronic Equipment manufacturing industry (Medical and Engineering Equipment).. More

  • Ruling on disposing of ill-gotten money

    Salam alaykum When I left a haram job, I had saved some money from that source. I, then, started a halal job. I gave away a portion of my haram savings in charities. But, I still had some haram savings left (X) and together with my halal income (Y) I used all that money for my wedding and on other things. Now, after reading the part on haram wealth.. More

  • Working in Riba-based banks in non-Muslim countries

    Is working in banks allowed in India on a condition that it is a non-Muslim country and Because of this, there is no security for a Muslim citizen and hence they are becoming economically backward? plz give appropriate answer along with reason. .. More

  • Taking compensation charges for a faulty commodity

    Assalamu Alaykum I live in india. I purchased a tablet and its faulty, i gave it back to the company from where i purchased for repair. Now its almost 45 days i havent got my tablet, so i am filing a lawsuit against the company. The total cost of the tablet and courier charges are 5000 Indian rupees, so if i win this lawsuit so is it legal for me to.. More