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905 fatwas

  • A doctor's responsibility for his unintended mistake

    Assalam -u-Alekum Praise to Allah The beneficent the most merciful. I am a doctor and practicing in Intensive Care Unit in a hospital. Alhamdollilah, I have got much skilled in this field. In ICU patients Central Venous Line Is Placed for different purposes. This line is placed in the big veins of the body like Internal Jugular And Subclavian Vein... More

  • Compensations on work injuries

    As salam alai kum, Dear brother my uncle was working in a company while working his both hands fingers got damaged about 65%, he can work but his owner removed him from job now the case is going in labour court for last 6 years, the court has given order to give compassion for last 6 years and take him back on duty, can my uncle take this money.. More

  • Making investment in Gold ETF

    Assalamalaikum wa rahmatullah I would like to know whether making investment in GOLD ETF is permissible it function like this it’s a mutual fund where the fund manager buys gold in units 1 unit=1gram of gold and keeps that gold with their custodian bank now a person can invest how much he wishes.. More

  • Used copied software and wants to repent

    AsalamoAlikum Apologies for sending the question on the same topic again since I missied out some key points in the last question which I sent on the same issue. Is the excuse that softwares(e.g.Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop) are very expensive valid given by the one who uses pirated versions of these. Does anyone have a right in Islam to use.. More

  • He works in a bank and found another temporary lawful job

    Hi Brother, I currently live in Canada and in a moral dillema. I graduated from Finance and was in alot of debt. I came across a job with the bank as a Stock Broker and promised myself as soon as I pay of my student loans , I will leave. I currently got offered a student job with the government of Canada. It pay 6 dollars less than what I am currently.. More

  • Ruling on manpower business

    Is Man Power business 'Halal" In Islam? .. More

  • Using Internet telephony banned by the local authorities

    Assalam alaikum, I am from India working in the Gulf. To call to my relatives in India I was using internet telephony (VOIP) because calling through inernet costs 10 times less than normal phone. But recently local Telephone Regulatory Authority have banned internet telephony with heavy penalty if caught. So now my old parents are not happy as I.. More

  • Ruling on picture framing business

    Is picture framing business haraam? SALAAM... More

  • Getting rid of Riba money by giving it to a needy sister and her husband

    Assalamalaikum wa rahmatullah I was having interest money generated on my savings account (can’t open current a/c co’z I’m an NRI) my sister was very much in need her husband was saving money since and they were managing to live in a locality not suitable for them n’their children so I gave them interest money without informing them and they.. More

  • Works in a law office and has doubts

    Assalamu Aleikum I need your advice in regards to resigning from my job, which is a secretary/ translator in a Lawyer's office here in Doha. My problem with the job is almost four. Firstly I and my colleagues are not allowed to leave for the daily prayers in the nearby mosque, so we keep on praying together (3 persons) in the office. Secondly, office.. More

  • The hospital charged him a large sum of money because he had no health insurance

    Assalamu Alaikum, I had a surgery about a few months ago and I didnt have health insurance at the time. The hospital has charged me an enormous amount of thousands of dollars which I cannot pay. They increased the price on my surgery because I didnt have health insurance. Is this counted as a debt? I heard it would be haram to pay them all the money.. More

  • Renting and borrowing pirated books

    I have read all your fatwas regarding intellectual copyrights and understand that intentionally 'buying' pirated books is forbidden, but is 'borrowing' or 'renting' such books intentionally also prohibited? In my town there is a rental library that rents pirated books, is it okay if i take these pirated books on rent? Also can i borrow pirated copies.. More

  • Working for a cooperative insurance company

    Assalamualaikum dear Sheik ! I have received a job offer from a Insurance Company operating in Damam Saudi Arabia. The company is publicly listed in the stock market and operates as a "Co-opertaive insurance" company. The management of the company claims that they are "Sharia compliant" and they regulate as per the guidelines given by the Saudi Arabian.. More

  • He needs a credit card to pay his university tuition fees

    I need to pay application fee to a University. The only way to submit the fee is by Credit Card. So there is no way to pay the fee except by a credit card. This card works like money and is very helpful for people. Whenever I use the card in any purchase, the company which issues the card gives the money to the seller (wherever the seller is) and then.. More

  • A Muslim pharmacist selling the morning after–pills to non-Muslims

    Assalamu alaykoum, Is it ok for a muslim pharmacist practising in a non-muslim country (UK) to supply the morning after-pill for non-muslim customers who request it?.. More