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905 fatwas

  • The economic impact of evading paying unjust taxes

    I read from previous fatwas that it is permissible to avoid paying taxes if the tax money is NOT used in proper channel(ie. building hospitals and paving road). But in a country if everyone stops paying taxes, I believe it will definetly will make a negative economic impact on the county, with regards to this scenario, are we obliged to pay taxes?.. More

  • Ticking the box “I have read the agreement” when installing software

    AsalamoAlikum Nowadays there is alot of use of softwares. Usually when we install any software it asks us to read an agreement before moving on. This agreement is usually very long and consumes alot of time e.g. agreement of skype. My question is that if we check the box 'I have read the agreement' and moveon without actually reading the entire.. More

  • Using bank interests to pay taxes and to help a poor sister-in-law

    Dear Brother, Assalamu alaikum (war) Ramadan Kareem Mubarak I have constructed a New house in India. The Local Municipal official demanded Bribe to reduce House Tax. I refused to pay Bribe, then he make a heavy amount as House Tax payable every month. When compared with other big houses in the area my Tax is around 400% because of my refusal to pay.. More

  • Investing GPF and gratuity to pay bribes and help a needy sister

    I am recently retired, I will get a handsome amount e.g. G.P.F. gratuity, General Insurance etc., Can I invest this amount from where i can get monthly income or to fix for particular time. I will not use this amount in my purpose I will use these interests into giving the bribe or to my help my Sister, whose husband is not with her and having to younger.. More

  • Benefiting from the price of a house bought with unlawful money

    My farther bought a property with his haraam earnings .Is it halaal if i sell the property and start a new business?.. More

  • Getting health insurance in the name of another person

    is it permissable to have perscription medication written in the name of another person who has medical insurance that will cover the cost of the medication, but the medicine is not for the person with insurance? Jazzakum Allah Khair.. More

  • Working as an air hostess: an Islamic view

    1. i want to know about the job of air it allowed or not?what if she is wearing full covered uniform and hijab on head and travelling with full company security.there is no alcohal served. 2. what about income from this job is halal,haram,makrooh,karahut etc. we can use this income for umrah and hajj or not. plz reply in detail both questions.. More

  • Working in a store in which unlawful money is invested

    Salam Alaykum... I've been looking for a job for the last 2 years, in vain I couldn't find one. I heard from my family that my dads uncle is opening a halal store which he offered me a job in it. But the problem is that the money they invested in it is haram... I want to get married next year and there's no job around the corner I'm getting depressed.. More

  • A forbidden form of rental/leasing contract

    AOA Sheikh, I want to ask you about ruling on rental/leasing contract. If in the rental/leasing contract, it is clearly mentioned that the past payments will be refunded except rental in case buyer can not pay further payments. Is this kind of contract permissible. For example. A buyer buys a house through a leasing company at an agreed price of.. More

  • Working in a central bank

    I am working in a central bank its major activities are not services of that the ordinary commercial banks. To mention, -it prints paper money and mints coins and control their circulation -give license to financial institutions (banks,insurance companies and micro finance institutions) and regulate their activities. -carry out different studies.. More

  • Working for a company partly involved in Riba-based activities

    Assalamualaikum Dear Sheik, My name is Abdulla Yousuf. I'm a Chartered Accountant by profession. I have got a job offer at a Fund Manager Company to work as the Chief Internal Auditor. They do undertake the activity of managing the funds on behalf of the third party investors. However, investment decisions are taken by the Fund Manager (My Company).. More

  • Giving money earned from Riba to a mosque fund

    A person earned big amount of money out of Riba buisneess. can he give charity and to the mosque fund out of that money? 2, I f he want to start a halal buisness out of that haram money can he do that? 3,what is the position of new earned halaal money he earned from haram money ? wassalam.. More

  • Selling airline tickets which include insurance tax

    assalamu alikum im zarjoon khan muslim,i'd like to know fatwa working in airline travel agency sales staff.there's a tax colect by almost all airlines for insurence puropse.which call insurence must have to pay.generaly insurence is haram in islam.i want to know this insurence tax haram?if so can i work this field?please find.. More

  • Works at a cafe shop and has to be friendly with women

    Asalam u alikum. May Allah reward you for your efforts. I am working at a cafe shop in a very busy area with many business customers. Many of my costumers are women and they tend to be very friendly with me. In Islam it is written that we should lower our gaze when talking with women and only one look is allowed. That is not possible as I need to interact.. More

  • Downloading programs from the Internet for free

    Assalaamulaykum, Can we download,from internet, any software, game, etc. that is available for free on the website but one has to pay its price when downloading from website of the manufacturer?.. More