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905 fatwas

  • Becoming a lawyer in a non-Muslim country to help Muslims

    May Allaah help you with your works, I am a university Muslim law student in Belgium, as I was converted as student, some questions about my future professional and Muslim life raised: is it Haraam to be a lawyer in a non-Muslim country as you have to defend people for a Kuffar court with Kuffar laws? and if it is Haraam, is it possible to do.. More

  • Cash payment to worker's survivor at his death

    Life insurance as it is generally is Haraam because it is a kind of Gharar transaction. What if a worker is promised a fixed sum of money to be paid to a specified relative if the worker dies on the job without the worker paying anything for such a deal in advance? .. More

  • Pensions for retired workers

    Is the system of paying pension to retired workers right in principle in Islam? Does it matter whether the retiree had made contributions pre-retirement? What if the retiree lives long, so that his pension now exceeds his pre-retirement contributions? .. More

  • Works in a store that sells lottery tickets

    I had a question regarding lottery. I work in Canada where lottery is well advertised. I am a cashier at a convenient store where lottery sales are also included. However, regardless of customers asking for lottery tickets, my pay is independent. I am paid on hourly basis and not on lottery. I know buying lottery is Haraam. Is my work Haraam?.. More

  • Dealing in shares in certain companies

    Dealing in shares as I know is permissible in Shariah. But if a company has raised it capital from debt also, apart from equity, then it means that it will pay interest also on its debt. Is it permissible to have shares of such company which operates using debt money also? .. More

  • Acting as a disc jockey to get money for the poor

    I am a boy of 20, I have an enterprise of construction this in order to only emphasize that I do not have problems of moneys, but in the free time I make the producer, practically I make songs dance that moneys yield that I give to me to the poor persons, to me the moneys do not interest but it interests to me to help the poor persons.. More

  • Taking commission for steering tourists to certain shops

    My question is that I'm working as a tour guide for a tourist company for years. Our guests are from Europe and US. So we take commissions from tourist shops when they do their shopping from the shops which we lead them to for our profit. So shop owners give us commissions after shopping is done but tourists know nothing about this. is the.. More

  • Doubtful about company-sponsored insurance plan

    Our company has offered to us medical insurance where all expenses are bore by the company. We have to pay no insurance premium also. Under this policy we can go to certain clinics chosen by the insurance company for free treatment and medications with limited coverage of 75,000 Dirhams max (but only 20 Dirhams need to be paid by us as doctor's.. More

  • Questionable employment

    I have been offered a job to work in a departments store which sell both clothes, perfumes and food, I don't however know if they sell alcohol, the question is this; if my wages are coming from the clothes section that Inshaa Allaah, I will be working in would it be Halaal to work in that shop even though they might sell alcohol? Or although I will.. More

  • Cable TV installer

    I work for a cable Television company in New York. I go to the customer's house and install the cable box and activate the service for over 140 channels. I also install cable modem equipment for Internet access. I have no control over what they watch and how they serf the net. Is this job Haraam? .. More

  • Earnings from questionable source

    I have earned some money but I am not sure if it Halaal or Haraam. But what I want to know is can I use such money for my basic needs like food, water or can I use it for some other purpose like buying some clothes, appliances for myself? Also can I use such money to start a business of my own so that I can start earning Halaal money?.. More

  • Helping people complete applications for US visa lottery

    I am a Somali young man my age is 25, I have an office of multiple services, one of the services that I make for my customers is to help customers who need to enter the American Visa lottery, my prime services to include: 1) Consulting them for the most appropriate way they had to do this. 2) And making everything necessary for their right.. More

  • Government accounts that benefit enrolled employees

    The employer will open two accounts with government, when he recruits an employee in Sri Lanka. These are known as Employee Provident Fund (EPF) and Employee Trust Fund (ETF) this is a compulsory otherwise the employer will be prosecuted in the court of Law. Certain percentage will be taken from employee (9%) and certain percentage offered.. More

  • Negotiating to reduce credit settlement

    I had credit cards and used all of them, back then I had no intention to pay the amount due but it's a burden on me and I wanna clear all my dues in this Dounia, so after few months of non payments all my accounts went to a collections agency, so is it permissible to negotiate the amount due on the credit cards to a certain percentage because the actual.. More

  • Making false claims for money

    There is a large company which pays commission every time a user clicks on its banner on my website and registers. Users just have to register, nothing else. But what I am doing is that I myself click on my ads and register users under different names for which I get commissions. This is like a side income for me. But since the company huge.. More