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905 fatwas

  • Carrying drunk customers in his taxi

    I am a Muslim from Palestine. I became a US citizen, and I am student, I am married to a Muslim woman from my homeland, and I have three babies, and I do drive a taxi in US to support my family life and needs. I do work at night shift, because during the daytime I go to school, and during my work, I do carry drunk customers, and they do carry.. More

  • Bank Employment

    I have been in conventional banking service for the last 20 years. I am aware Riba is Haraam. Is employment in conventional banking also Haraam? I am not able to get a suitable position in an Islamic Bank. I feel guilty for my last 20 years of my service in Bank, as I joined banking when I was ignorant of the Islamic ruling. What should I do in my position? .. More

  • Bank Employees

    If the profit of the bank loan is forbidden in Islam, what do the employees of this bank get due to their work to facilitate that loan? I guess that the profit the bank is taking is a fair compensation for its effort to do so. .. More

  • Taking unemployment benefits while being outside the country

    I got laid off from work 7/1/05, I am eligible for unemployment benefits from government till I find a job. But we decide to take our kids to raise them back home in August. I maybe looking for job there but not sure if I can take this money or it is Haraam because I will not be living here. Please let me know as soon as possible. .. More

  • Government deductions from salaries

    Work in a company dealing in petroleum, the company collects P.A.Y.E from its employees and remits to the government up to 30% of employees' salary. Is it acceptable in Shariah for the company to deduct such much from the employees to be remitted to the government monthly? .. More

  • Working in the perfume industry

    My brother is working in a perfume industries as a data entry operator. My question is, is a Muslim permissible to work in a perfume industries since perfume?.. More

  • Use of photocopied materials

    Recently, I met a person who insisted on taking a copyrighted book of mine to get the whole thing copied (Xeroxed) as it was cheaper. I was reluctant to give it to him for obvious reason. When I showed him that it was copyrighted he didn't care about it and still wanted it to be copied so I gave a different reason and did not give the book to.. More

  • Working in places that sell Haraam and handling it

    I'm really impressed by your contribution to make people understand Islam and its real essence. We Muslims in America are facing a problem that has far reaching effects on our lives. In the US people who in work in big stores are in a great dilemma. Besides a lot of other things people daily use, wine, alcohol and pork are sold in these stores... More

  • Studying from copyright material for her exams

    Please let me know if I can use the copyrighted material which was copied and sold to me in India without the permission from the copyright owners. I bought it last year when I did not know about the Islamic ruling of copyright. I need this book for my exams now. Can I use it or do I have to buy a new one from the regular store and throw away.. More

  • Payments for having friends open e-mail accounts

    I want to know about a critical issue and which is very hot these days in our university. There is a site and it gives dollars criteria as given below: 1) Each e-mail when checked is worth at least 2 US$ and it goes to 5 and 10$. 2) The e-mails are basically advertisement. 3) If someone invites his friends to open.. More

  • Permissibility of working the second or third shifts

    Are there any prohibitions against working late for second (4pm-11pm) or third (11pm-6am) work? .. More

  • Receiving a tax refund on a donation given in behalf of a friend

    I live in Canada and we can claim income tax refunds on charitable donations. On behalf of my friend who does not live in Canada, nor is a Canadian citizen (and therefore cannot claim for tax refund even if he was present himself in Canada and had made that donation himself), I donated an amount to local Muslim Association and I will be receiving.. More

  • Payment of first month's salary as commission for work

    When we wanted to work in a foreign country we approached an agent who is also a Muslim and applied for the job. He put a condition saying that we should pay our full first month salary as his commission. Is it Halaal for him to take this and for us to give this payment?.. More

  • Working with an apostate

    I got my last answer, my next question is: Can I work with ex-Muslim (before he is Muslim now is Christian) any problem?.. More

  • Has large amount of Haraam money to get rid of

    I have Haraam money in big amount how can I use it I know I can give to my family without them knowing the source can I also pay off my loans or I don't know I need a Fatwa of how I can spend the money I also have a car from the same money what should I do with it. .. More