Is it permissible to name a child after the father only for that reason? For example, if the father is named Ali, can the son be named Ali, only because it is the father’s name, and not because of anything else?
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Assalam un alicom!Alhamdolillah, Allah swt gifetd us a baby boy and we need to cliarify a confusuion regarding his name, We want to keep his name as Syed Muhammed BASIL , however this name is christian originated please guide if we can keep this name of our child as muslims, JazakAllah
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I am having a boy and for aqiqah i know i need to sacrifice 2 goats but i wanted to know if it is permissible to sacrifice 1 goat in uk and 1 goat in Bangladesh as we originate from there.
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Assalaamualaykum. Dear scholar, I met a person who went through very difficult circumstances since her childhood. Her father neglected since she is small her and till now will barely pay any attention to her. She was married at an early age and her husband has been abusive. Because she did not achieve much academically, she is not given due consideration.. More
Assalaam o Alaikum. Can we give our baby girl the name "Zukhruf" like in 'Surah Al-Zukhru'? The Arabic word has different meanings, and I heard that it also means "(Pure Gold, A thing of real and unalterable value, Richest, Wealth, Decoration)". If yes, then can you please tell me all its possible meanings? May Allaah reward you.I'm waiting for your.. More
Assalamu alaikum.
Now I got a baby boy.
We are choosing the name is
Yousuf Rahman.
Some body people's telling
Keep Mohamed Yousuf or Abdul Rahman. Don't choose Yousuf rahman.
That's way am confused.
Please give solutions.
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Assalamu alyakom wa rahmattallah wa barakatoh
We live in a small city in a foreign country, we have two school options; first is public schools which are secular, and they don't give attention to religious values, we tried them first and we are not happy with their values and kids manners. The second option is private schools, however, they are all.. More
I have a son, about to be of 13 years, who has started showing the signs of puberty. My husband has decided to give him the talk related to it (including sex). The concern is, my husband has asked me that I must be present with him when he does so with the reason that if son has any queries related to a female’s body, a mother can be the best guidance.. More
Assalamu alaikum.
Im Nafais 34yrs now. I had a doubt on my name meaning. My name was kept by my grandfather. When i asked from my parents they dont know the meaning of it. Even i cant find the meaning for my name by searching google. Only thing i found was yhat there was a publication name "Dar-Al-Nafais." Im worried whether im living without a meaningless.. More
My name Is Shahanaz Akter,saimoon is a boy name.I am a girl.Is it permissible to keep a boy name for a girljQuery1110023540983116975034_1576651252914??and what is the meaning of that(saimoon) name?? ?
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I had committed zina when I was young with a Christian woman and had a son. Now he is 10years old. We were not married but I support financially and have communications with my son. My immediate family knows but my relatives dont. What I can do as a muslim to my son? Im not given any decision about my son’s life. His mother is already pregnant again.. More
My new husband asked me if i had any affairs before marriage infront of kabah.I denied(lied since i repented from my past relations).
Later he digged and found old chats in my phone. i had to confess all about my past to him.
But he lost trust and always suspects that i am still in touch with men.
I recently came to my hometown for the delivery of.. More
A Muslim got a very lucrative job in a kuffar country. He was in this land for 3 years and 8 months. When he came back home his wife had just born a baby, yet they did not had any contact during the time he worked in the kuffar country except by phone. Can he deny his paternity or is this haram for him since his wife refers to the Sacred Law and says.. More