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905 fatwas

  • Selling pizza made from non-Thabeehah meat

    Assalamu Alaykum: My husband works at a pizza and fried chicken restaurant. The fried chicken he sells is halal, but some pizza ingredients are made from not halal chicken and not halal beef, I mean just regular chicken bought at a regular supermarket, not at the halal store. He wants to know if is it allowed in Islam to sell no halal food and if his.. More

  • Publishing copyrighted materials on the internet

    Assalaamu alaikum, What is the ruling on copying an excerpt from a book that is copyrighted and sharing it with others through e-mail or on a forum? Also, what is the ruling on scanning a copyrighted book and sharing it in the internet? Jazak Allah khair... More

  • Benefitting from copyrighted materials while believing that their publishing is not permissible

    Asalaam alaykum, From what i understood from the previous fatwas, is that making copies of copyrighted CDs in not permissible. However, some websites (who believe there is no Copyright in Islaam) have uploaded these CD's onto the internet for people to listen to / download. Is it ok for me to listen to these online lectures or should I abstain? Jazakum.. More

  • Working in a usurious bank to pay there back his study loan

    bismellah arrahmen arrahim is it haram to work in bank in my cas which folow ? i was sponsored by bank and have to work for six years otherwise i have to pay 18000 DINARS as the money spent by the bank in order to achieve my studies i stress that before signing the contract with the bank i ignore that interest bank is considered as riba; what to do.. More

  • Works in a call center where some men admire her voice

    i am doing a job to help my family i do pardah n my job is in call center so i have to talk on telephone whole day sometimes people say u have a good voice i like ur voice so is it haram for me do i get punished for this i dont want to be punished thats why i do pardah.. More

  • Working in usurious banks in Sri Lanka

    Assalamu allaikum, Mowlana Im Srilankan,I have a querry abt workink in a bank 1.Government owned Bank 2.Private Bank I seek a job in the goverment as well as private Bank in Srilanka -NonMuslim Country. I Tried several jobs but I couldn't get.according to my qualification I can apply for the post of Banking Assistant/staff Assistant.In this Country.. More

  • Working as a financial planner for a company that deals with Riba

    Im palestinian, I immigrated to Australia 4 years ago after having hardship living in arab countries as a travel document holder. I gradued with Masters degree in commerce from here.i've been trying to work in accouting but couldnt the only thing i found a job in here within my degree is financial planning and advising which includes recommending the.. More

  • Working in a company which sells weapons to non-Muslim countries

    Assalaamu `laykum I work for a company that produces many products amongst them are halal products such as Security systems used in Makkah during Hajj, Train Ticketing systems in muslims and non muslims country, civillian air systems and air, land and navy weapons for muslim countries such as Saudi and Emirates and phone systems around the world It.. More

  • Working as an air crew member who sometimes serves wine

    Al Salam Allaikom, My name is HADWA and i am married to a cabin crew on an international arab airline based in dubai. My question here is that sometimes he is obliged to serve wine during his flights, he is trying as much as possible to avoid serving it by asking other colleagues to do it but sometimes there is no other way except doing it. This unfortunatly.. More

  • Working in a newspaper which has an entertainment section

    If I work in a newspaper which has an entertainment section but I work in the political sections is it halal or haram... More

  • Profit gained from ill-gotten money

    Dear Scholar – Asslam alaikum One person who earn some money by cheating somebody and then with that money he start a business and the business grow well and he have a lot of money. Later he gave back the money to whom he cheated. His claim is that now whatever the wealth he has is clean, but I don’t think so. Please enlighten us with the truth... More

  • Studying economics to propagate Islamic economics in the future

    Assalamu alaikum...Sorry to bother you again....Alhamdulillah I got my answer about studying Economics.....from Fatwa #86231...Could you please give the reference from the Qur'an and the Hadith regarding your Fatwa ? And as i said The way of becoming a teacher in a secular situation,then propogating Islamic eco........compatible with the sunnah?? I.. More

  • Developing programmes used by usurious banks

    Assalam. I am working in IT Company. I am developing software for bank but this software does not involve interest activities. Note : This software displays detail of all type of account ( like saving, loan etc ) but does not calculate or pay interest. Is it halal to work on this company? .. More

  • Doctors getting commission for referring patients to particular clinics

    please know the concept in my area tha the doctors send patients to a particular clinic and later they get commission from the clinic. is it allowed. when one wants to go foreign he has to go through medical test, for this the agent of Visa sends the person to a particular hospital, he can not go any where else, later the agent gets share in the prifit.. More

  • Do not cooperate in sin and aggression

    Mr. A, a professional accountant, has been asked by company X to carry out a search and survey on company Y which is involved in gambling business. The reason why company X has requested Mr. A to carry out the search is because company X intends to acquire/buy company Y. Is Mr. A allowed to carry out such search in his professional and be paid a fee?.. More