Assalamualaikum,What are the rulings on managing a parent's wealth for their welfare and well-being? Our mother is a widow of 10 years and is becoming frail in health, mind, and spirit. She still receives a little monthly pension from our late father's office that she uses for her needs, e.g. groceries, bills, etc. Alhamdulillah, her children are self-suffici.. More
I got an offer from a trading company. This company trades online and it does not look at halal and haram when it trades. (actually, it trades everything, and as I mentioned it does so online) As a result, parts of its revenue are halal and part of it is haram. I want to ask whether it is permissible (halal) to work for this company? I do not know also.. More
Is it haram to drive to work in a work car, while the outside of the car has pictures of people and advertisements for Instagram and your own www homepage and on the homepage, ?nstragram page are haram things? Please put my question not on the page.
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Asalamualaikum, I have a question regarding being a lawyer. Is it permisabble to be an IP lawyer or patent lawyer. Would it be permissible to protect the trademark of a company that sells haram items. Jazakallah.
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Assalamualaikum .....can a male teacher tuition a female student privately? Or a male teacher manages another male teacher to teach the he sinful to manage the another teacher to teach the girljQuery111006972369187106982_1617252143907.. More
I work for the Somalian government throught UNOPS (United Nations Office for Project Services), they pay me every month, but actually there's no job assignments, i just sit in the office until I leave, every month I lie that I did some work in my monthly report, am I guilty or is my supervisor guilty, should the government inform UNOPS that there is.. More
Assalam alaikum,I live in Hong Kong. I read that conventional insurance is haram but cooperative insurance is permissible. In Hong Kong, there is no 100% cooperative insurance company but there is an insurance company that is 100% owned by a cooperative insurance company overseas. Would this be permissible to use?I have a wife and two children and if.. More
A student who is underage for getting driving licence goes to school by driving bike then he does a job and he got a job because of his study and will his income become halal or haram because he goes to study by driving a bike and it was illegal for him to drive underage as he broke traffic rules , he studied by going through breaking traffic rules.. More
I was asked to clarify this question in a new question so inshaAllah this is more understandable.In my country, they pay back some tax money once a year based on your income I believe. Some people get paid a certain amount and others have to pay a certain amount. We call this "Tax return". If suppose that the income that the tax return was based on.. More
What is the ruling on making an open source(term used in technology world) product(software/hardware), but the money for the development of the product is from asking donations from peoples.Because its open source, people can benefit from it(the product) freely with some rules(if there is), so is this kind of asking included in prohibited asking?.
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I'm not sure if this question exists here but is it allowed to stream content that is provided by a third party? Meaning the third party only seems to show the video that might have been downloaded illegally or maybe this is considered supporting the sin
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Assalamwalekum, I have a roommate who is also a muslim. Recently he applied for the credit card, it got a limit of 50 days for payment failing which he has to pay interest. The thing is, i actually helped him getting the verification done for the credit card but i didn't intended to so and didn't wanted to but he kept on insisting on this. I want to.. More
I am a resident of USA working in an oil company. I currently purchase my company’s stock as part of my retirement plan, which also helps reduce my taxes. When I initially asked our local Imams, they said that as long as the company’s business is not Haraam (ex. selling of alcohol, pork, etc.) then it would be permissible to purchase their stock,.. More