Hi I exchanged currency from my bank but my bank applies this rule on currency exchange on the weekends is this Riba and if I had a strong feeling that this is riba but was not compeletely sure am i still sinful for consuming Riba in this case.
the bank rule on currency exchange at weekends is as follows
At the weekend (Friday 00:00 - Sunday 23:59).. More
Salamu aleykum. Does not doing 100% at work or often being lazy or not knowing every area that you're required to know at work make your income haram? I know someone who graduated from pharmacy school and she worked for more than one year and did have time to look things up but she's worried that her lack of energy might have made her money unjustly.. More
I started trading forex before realizing its haram, now that I've realized is it permissible for me to withdraw my money and use it elsewhere given its lesser than the one i deposited at the begining?
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Asalaam Aleikum
I would like to be adviced about manufacturing bricks for building who can i sell to and who am i not allowed to sell to ? If a person does something haraam in the house they built using the bricks they bought from me am i accountable for their sins ? Me being the supplier of the building material.
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Assalamo alaikum wr wb.
I am revert Allhamdulilah from 7 years but just from year and half i live back in my nonmuslim country in sha Allah. I was working with my boss for few months and find he ever late to my payment and dont fix that . I start with understanding to get payed on 30 date of the month...for 3 months i end up at 5 date next...wanted.. More
Salam wa eleykoum I'm a young brother who lives in the UK I work in a warehouse as a picker (I fill up shelves with food products) . I'd like to know if there's anything wrong in handling or carrying foods product where there is images on it and in rarely cases some with false gods on it (Pharaoh's , Hindu gods) or with yoga advice or position at the.. More
Alhamdulillah. Assalamu alaykum. We know that imposing tax on muslim population in a continuous manner is not allowed in islam. But the secular governments in the muslim lands do so. My question is, is it good to do any job under such government and take salary from the government as the main source of the government is tax? will it be a matter of takwa.. More
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatulla Ya Sheikh, The construction industry in India and other parts of the modern world present some challenges to the Muslim Architect and Engineer.I have a Question which has 3 parts that are closely inter linked. 1) As an architect, when the Non Muslim client (Hindu) asks the Muslim to design a temple room for them in their.. More
I have a question related to the facility given by Banks:
1. I am working for a Qatar Airways and CBQ bank has an offer for the employees of My company that if we open our salary account with CBQ, they would offer us a card known as Diners club card free of annual charges. Otherwise for other account holders they charge an annual.. More
How can it be that working in a non Islamic bank is prohibited even when one’s job is in no way at all whatsoever involved in riba or help in committing riba? Like giving or taking cash, currency exchange, etc. Only the loans and the interest gained on savings is haraam.
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Assalamu Alaykum
I work as a doctor in a western country and we are required by law to have what is called: professional indemnity insurance. This is used in cases where a doctor makes a mistake and they are ordered by a court or have to compensate a patient of theirs for injury, accident or neglect. The amount paid to the patient is often very high.. More
Im living in austria and would want to open a business and sell products. If a customer gets hurt using my product because it is deffect he can sue me. Im not very rich in terms of money so if this was ever to happen i couldnt afford paying thousands. I could though get insured and the insurance could handle it. Would it be allowed in this case?
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Assal?m alaykum warahmatullahi wabarak?tuh
What is the ruling on selling gold to jewellers because they use it to make jewellery for women and men is this permissible since women use it as a means of beautification and as for men gold is not permissible to wear.
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Assalamualikum, Is it allowed to operate a whatsapp group for a community in which its member post content which is haram, example people may share latest music videos, video news about actors, actresses, movies, pictures of women showing their awra, short video clips which contain background music and may contain improperly dressed women etc. The admin.. More