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905 fatwas

  • An employee being involved in a usurious contract before its final stage

    I work in a car dealership as a sales manager. Part of my duties is to give the customer a range on their payments if they were to purchase a vehicle. This entails entering an interest rate into a computer program to calculate a potential payment. If the range is acceptable I write a contract on the price of the car I sell. And I usually write consumer.. More

  • Authority of issuing currencies

    1) Did Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, or Khulafaa Rashideen, may Allaah be pleased with them, issue any currency during their Khilaafat? 2) Does Islam give any principles for making currency? 3) Have the people equal rights for making currency as is allowed in all actions in Islam?.. More

  • Getting rid of usurious money after the depreciation of the currency's value

    I am an Indian guy. More than 20 years back there was a fixed deposit of an amount of 20,000 Rupees on my name, after some period that amount was drawn it was more than double amount and utilized on my education and other aspects. After my maturity I refused to use it, my elders advised to use it for now, you donate it later, first make you career... More

  • Damaged the car of someone whom he can not find now

    My question is regarding debt: person A bumped the car of person B, person A said he would pay person B but then said he could not afford it and wanted to use the car insurance as is the law of the land, person B stated he didn't have insurance, this happened 7-years ago and there is some confusion over what was finally agreed, also person A cannot.. More

  • Website offering matches exclusively broadcasted by a dish network

    Dish network offers cricket match packages that you have to buy. Is it allowed to watch them form a website who uses dish network's program and charges people to watch the matches? For example, you have to pay like 5 dollars for one match, dish charges 100 or more for the whole package. .. More

  • Using Zakat receipts for tax returns

    Can we use the receipt of Zakaat for tax returns (Tax return is 'Document giving the tax collector information about the taxpayer's tax liability; "his gross income was enough that he had to file a tax return"). If yes, as it is the money given in charity we get back some amount can we use this amount for our self or do we have to give it back in charity.. More

  • Using untrue receipts to avoid taxes

    Can you tell whether the following transaction is permissible? There is an agency which donates several items including foodstuff to the poor and needy. For instance if the market value of a cookie pack is $5 but this agency buys it for only $1. If I give them $100 they buy 100 cookie packs and give me a receipt of $500 (as market value of 100 packs.. More

  • What to do with extra money got from life insurance

    My aunt has bought insurance 18 years back by her son's name. She has submitted 50 thousand rupees in these 18 years gradually. Now according to that insurance she will get 1 lakh rupees but these more 50 thousand rupees are "Ribaa" according to our limited knowledge. Please confirm it. You if it so then what should she do of that extra 5o thousand.. More

  • Pension for retired worker

    I am working in a private company. According the rules the employer is entitled to give gratuity and allowances (not bonus or dividend) in accordance with the service of the employee when he/she leaves the firm. But some employers argue that it is not compulsory to give the gratuity and allowances. What is the Shariah ruling regarding this issue?.. More

  • Life insurance fully paid by the employer

    If I am working with a company and the company paid full cost for life insurance which will give money to my family after death. If I am working with the company when I pass away, and I am not paying anything on that, is it Halaal or Haraam to engage in such a system?.. More

  • Quran and Sunnah as a source of economics

    How the Quran and the Sunnah can be as the source of knowledge in economics? .. More

  • Maintenance worker on a dinner boat on which liquor is served

    Would you please clarify this matter for me? I work on a dinner boat. This boat has lunch and dinner crosses. They serve liquor in the boat. I don't work inside the boat, where they serve the liquor, but I do maintenance work on the out side (I'm a sailor). Know the boat's revenue consist of two different incomes. The first income comes from crossing,.. More

  • Money earned from selling pirated CDs

    Does the income derived from sale of pirated CD's is Halaal or Haraam? Or the person who is working with pirated CD's is deriving Halaal income? .. More

  • What to do after using pirated software programs?

    I came to know from the Fatwa I asked to Islamweb Fatwa Center that using pirated copy of software is forbidden in Islam. What will be the solution now for them who already have used many pirated copy of software? .. More

  • Working with an international NGO

    I am working with an international NGO here in Afghanistan, many religious people do not like as the earning money through this way, is not Halaal as the fund is given to the NGO by USA. .. More