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905 fatwas

  • A bank paying a bonus to encourage its customers to buy with its credit card

    Assalamu Alaikum, I am owing a Credit Card for several years. Up to now I am controlling myself to avoid any interest payment. Alhamdulillah. Now the bank is paying a bonus of 1 rupee for every purchase of 100 rupees to encourage the customers to purchase more. Is this a RIBA ? .. More

  • Works on designing hotels which include Islamically prohibited matters

    im an architecture working in dubai. im designing hotels which are including theme bars and night clubs that are surving the designer and the team leader i feal that this is not right i used to run my own company befor and i uesd to chose the projects i will deal with.i want to know what to do with the jobe and the mony (my salery).. More

  • Bought shares of a company which deals with Riba

    I have invested 1 lakhs riyal in one of the company in stock market in GCC. After I invested in that company, company borrowed money from interest based banks and other vendors based on interest. Now most of the companies income is coming from bank interest. Now I sold those shares with great amount of losses. Now I need to give this money (the.. More

  • Working in a usurious bank just to gain experience

    Is it permissible to work in an interest based bank just for experience purposes, not with an object to earn money and spend the salaries received from the bank on the poor and in fare? Now a days it is very difficult to get a job without any experience. So, if a person can get a job in a bank without experience, why should he not join that bank?.. More

  • Paying taxes from bank interests

    salam alaykom,my Q is about the taxes on the bank interests,in the US the governement imposes like 25% minimum (sometimes 27%)on your whole money including the bank interests. u know that we r forced to take the minimum of interests here that we later give away. So let's say i have in the bank 1000$ and the interests are 10$ on september 30.Later on,.. More

  • End of service compensation

    Salam Malaycum, An employee is fired from is work and receives a compensation (legally stated, the employee pays forced by the law), or when he/she negociates the liquidation of the labor relation and receives a compensation. Are those compensations haram? Thanks in advance. Saalm Malaycum .. More

  • Maintaining the records of interest based dealings as an accountant

    I would like to ask about the hadith that says that ALLAH damed the person who eats the riba ,and the witness of it and the one who writes it ,and they are equal in sin. I Have a Ba degree in accounting and i used to work as an Auditor , but some body told me that woking in auditing and witnessing the ripa( interest loans,,,,) will be like the one who.. More

  • A new credit card issued by QIB

    Assalamu Alaikum. Recently Qatar Islamic Bank has introduced new credit card which they believe that is Shariah Compliance. I want to get clarification from your good self whether it really does compliance with Islamic Shariah. This card allows you to do cash withdraw upto 20000/- without any interest charged on it, accept 3% commission on the very.. More

  • Working for a company borrowing money from usurious banks

    Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmathulla hi Wa Barakathu Dear Learned Scholar Brother, one of my close friend seeks an opinion as to the income earned by him whether it is from halal sources or not. The Co. he is employed is engaged the sale of machines and spare parts. Due to trade norms, the Co. is compelled to grant extended credit period to customers, while.. More

  • Conditions of the permissible 'lease to own' transaction

    assalamualikum, . there is bank named MEEZAN BANK in Pakistan. this bank is said to be an islamic bank. the give the islamic leasing facility to the cutomers. in it they purchase the car and then rent it to the customer on a particular amount( ownership belongs to the bank till the specified time period) they also take 15 to 20% security of the total.. More

  • Stopped buying pirated CD's but has a big quantity of them

    Assalamu Alaikum. I useto buy pirayed CD's as they are common practice and are widely accepted. Since Recently, i came to the realization that these CD's may be Haram and may even fall under the category of "Stolen". So, now i dont buy pirated cd's and am opposed to piracy. Nevertheless , i have a whole cupboard full of Cd's now which may be "Stolen".. More

  • Registered Education Saving Plan in Canada

    Assalamo alay kum Mufti i am living in a westeren country where the govt offered a plane for the future kids education.the parants can pay certain amount of money per month up to eighteen years and the govt also can contribute up to 20%( roughly) i have a new born baby and i was thinking to buy such RESP(Registered Education Saving Plane) so guide.. More

  • Working as a trader for highly ranked investment firms

    Assalamu ‘alaykom, I have a critical question that will decide the direction of my studies and also my brother’s career choice. I will present my situation then my brother’s. My situation: I’m intending to pursue my studies in financial engineering in order to have a career in finance. A financial engineering diploma from the university I’m.. More

  • His non-Muslim mother is paying insurance for him

    bismillahi ar-rahman ar-rahim Assalaamu aleikum My problem is that my mother who is not a muslim is paying me for insurance and she is very strict on having one. So maby if i tell her that i dont want one she does not agree. So is there any sin on me for her to pay my insurance until i will live 0n my one and stop paying for it ?.. More

  • Islamic Market Dow Jones Index

    assalam3alaykum: most companies, whose products are halal, in USA put their money in banks with interest. is it halal if i trade in stocks in the list of Islamic Market Dow Jones Index? Shokran.. More