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905 fatwas

  • Working in book companies in the west

    salam: i would like to ask if it is halal or haram to work in book companies in the west. sometimes books can bible, or magazines. also please, is it halal to work as a busser (clean tables) in restaurant.. More

  • Working in a broadcasting station whose transmission can not be heard

    I am working as a broadcaster, but the power of transmission is very poor and nobody hear our station. Our bosses know this, but they dont take any action. So what about the "hukm" of our salaries? Is it halal or haram?.. More

  • Taking a fine on delayed credit card payments

    ASSALAAM AALEKUM, In Dubai there are several islamic banks governed by their respective shareeah departments. All islamic banks issue islamic credit cards. One such islamic bank issues an islamic credit card which if used, regardless of the amount used, charges a fixed 50 Dirham administration fee on a monthly basis till the amount used through the.. More

  • Questionable health insurance schemes

    Assalamualaikum. I live in Ghana in West Africa and the government has recently introduced a national health insurance which is going to be obligatory for all those living in the country. A levy of 2.5% is charged on every taxable business transcation, imports, etc to finance the national health insurance. Mutual Health Insurance Schemes have been formed.. More

  • Working in interest-based institutions when there are no Islamic alternatives

    salams. i work in the debt mgt unit of my coyntry where we manage and repay the debt given to us by other countries ,multilateral institutions and also make interest payments to the federal govt bond the course of my work i deal with a lot of recording and calculations of interest. is my work haram? pls bear in mind that most of our sheiks.. More

  • Income earned from a job based on forging documents

    assalamu alaikum, my husband wants to do a busuness that involves doing visa processing for people who want to go to USA , UK etc.....and during dat process he has to make fake documents dat involve...making documents dat are not true...the information he submits is all bank statements , fake property documents, fake certificates..... so.. More

  • Transactions forbidden Islamicly but allowed legally

    What should be the attitude of a good Muslim towards business practices which are legally allowed (e.g. insurance, stock/share busines, interest etc.) but Islamically incorrect? .. More

  • Building and decorating houses for extravagant people

    i' m going to open a houde building and decorating people spends such more money for building and decorating,and use such expensive matirial.they compete each other in building luxury house and decorating it so beatiful and great in various style,such as Europian style.being as a Muslim ,if we _decorating company decorate such house ,.. More

  • Working in a company which pays employees' salaries from forbidden money

    I'm a sister who works fulltime at financial institution where the money they pay us comes from interest. However, I study part-time and I do not take loans with interest and would like to stay in the company to work part-time for them so I can finish my university. I also have another option of looking for a job in a company where the money the company.. More

  • Working as a loss assessor for insurance companies

    to be a automobile surveyor cum loss assesor for any of the insurance company. is it allowed in shariyat? a surveyor is an external professional not on the payroll of insurance company. he can work for several companies and he gets his fixed fees for the survey of the motor vehicle for which he is appointed as the surveyor by that specific company.he.. More

  • Working in a company without taking part in its unlawful activities

    I'm offered a job in an internationl company in egypt that makes machines for industries, one of their fields is supplying machines that make beer & alcoholics. If I worked in this company but I put a condition not to be involved in the beer field, is it the job halal or not ?.. More

  • Investing in mutual equity funds

    Can i invest in a mutual equity fund where 95% is invested in lawfull sectors and 5% in banking sectors. Kindly respond based on Islamic rulings with Quran and Hadith.. More

  • Rules of making currencies

    dear scholars, assalam o elaikum, please tell islamic rules for making currency, both paper and metallic. whether govt has monopoly for making currency or people can do this also like other islamic actions.------jazak Allah. .. More

  • Works in a company whose money is dealt with on the western economic basis

    I am working with international service company in oil business. Is my salary Haraam? Is my stock options and bonus Haraam? I am sure that the company money is dealt with on the western economic basis. Should I leave the company as every thing is Haraam? Should I stop dealing with buying any more stocks and trade in them? I do no buy any Haraam companies.. More

  • Forensic archaeologist as a career

    I work as a forensic archaeologist, this means that I work with the authorities to try and determine the identity of people who've died whenever DNA identification is not possible. I participate in performing autopsies and in skeletalizing human remains. I also work with archaeological remains and in the dis-internment and re-internment of individuals.. More